Ken Griffey Jr. Career Overview

Ken Griffey Jr. was one of the best players of all time. Here is how it all got started:

Ken Griffey Jr. was born November 21 of 1969. He would go on to play a 22 year career with the Mariners, Reds, and White Sox. He is most famous for wearing 24 with the Mariners. In 2,671 career games, Griffey slugged 630 home runs, 524 doubles, 2,781 hits, 1,662 runs, 1,836 RBIs, and 184 stolen bases. He was an All Star 13 times and won the All Star Game MVP in 1992. He won 10 Gold Gloves, seven Silver Sluggers, and a MVP in 1997. His number is retired by the Seattle Mariners and he was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 2015.