Tag: Update

Catch Phrase Revamping

The Bleacher Creature, the unofficial site of the official fan! Ah, that phrase was old about a week after TBC was launched. And for some reason, I would post that like every other post for no good reason. What I am trying to say is that I am going to give a break. Like, I don’t know, BANISHING it for a couple of months. @TheBleacherCreature (That looks cool!)

Homecoming Gift

I’m back! As you probably know, I haven’t posted in about two weeks, so I want to make it up to you. I will post pictures (not of Citi Field, I actually don’t know how to put the charger thing into the USB port) of Yankee Stadium and a few other things. Thank you for the understanding and I am happy to be back! The Bleacher Creature, the unofficial site of the official fan!